Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tiling the Sunroom

I know, I know, I haven't updated this blog is such a long time and I apologize for that! We have been certainly keeping busy around the house but there have not been any recent projects that have seemed "picture worthy" but that doesn't mean that our progress has waned. However, the most recent project that has been occupying Andrew's time since early July is finishing up the tiling in the sunroom. This is the last major project in the main part of the house and the last one on the first floor. After this is complete, I will feel so much cleaner since we will have flooring in all rooms! :)

What a project this has been, though. The room used to be an outdoor porch (prior to our living there) so it is very drafty and cold. So, Andrew installed radiant flooring underneath and also had to do some leveling out of the concrete before he even thought about tiling. Prep work is always so time-consuming and never gets the credit it deserves since it's not really seen in the final product. And then, of course, Andrew opted to take the "easy route" by laying the tiles on the diagonal, adding a decorative border and a small pattern throughout the room. He's always looking for the shortcut when doing these things (ahem, not!) :). It looks great, though, and we are excited that the end is in sight. He is nearly done with the laying of tile and will then just need to grout and seal it.

Here is a photo of Andrew and his helper Ben :) working recently. Ben is very serious about his apprentice job and always changes into his work jeans and gets the appropriate tools for the job :)

Andrew, hard at work!

Ben, doing his very important job of picking up the tile spacers and scraping off large chunks of dried mortar.


Julia Spencer said...

What a cute photo of Ben...

Kurt and Michelle said...

I love how Ben is such a helper! Just wait till your little girl, Liz...Maddie does EVERYTHING that I do! It's so neat to see how they follow what we do...but I think in particular, favoring mom or dad whether they are a boy or girl!! Haha...can't wait to see all this work in person!

Aunt Sharon said...

Handy Andy never surprises me! From what I can see, your house is very beautiful!!