The painters will continue to make their way through the house as Andrew and the contractors finish up in certain areas. Several rooms are on the radar to be painted over the next week so we should have more photos again shortly.
Share in our joy as we take the plunge and leave what has been our home for the past 6-1/2 years. It has always been Andrew's dream to physically build his own house so we are starting on that path. Come and let us share this exciting journey with you...
Check in this weekend again for more updated photos. Next up on our agenda:
- Rest of wallpaper to be removed this weekend by yours truly.
-Electrical to be completed this weekend.
-Framing of hall bathroom and attic adjustments to be completed this week.
-Drywalling to start next week.
-Painting to start on 10/23.
-Floors to be refinished starting 10/27.
-Tile work in kitchen, sunroom, and laundry to be started soon.
-Appliances arrive end of the month.
Phew, that's a lot of work! We're so proud of Andrew's work so far and cannot wait see the progress over these next few weeks. Very exciting!